Join Us

The West Nipissing Community Health Centre provides primary health care services as well as health prevention, education and promotion programs to the residents of the Municipality of West Nipissing.

Join us if you would like to become part of our interdisciplinary team!



Volunteers at the West Nipissing Community Health Centre play a fundamental role in community health and are essential to the functioning and success of the WNCHC. Volunteer Canada believes “That volunteering is fundamental to a healthy, democratic society and that everybody has the right and responsibility to contribute.”

Volunteer Policies 

WNCHC has many roles for volunteers, and believe that people giving of their time should feel valued and respected. For this reason we have policies and procedures to ensure that WNCHC and the volunteers fulfil their roles.

Volunteers Handbook

This manual is to inform our volunteers so they can better achieve their role.

If you are thinking of volunteering at the Centre, please contact us for information on possible roles and availability.

Did you know that you can cancel your appointment online?

You will need to know your health card number and birth date.

It’s quick and easy!