Introduction à la démence et la communication
Venez apprendre au sujet de différents types de démences, les signes et symptômes, des stratégies de communications efficaces ainsi que des programmes et services de soutien.
Venez apprendre au sujet de différents types de démences, les signes et symptômes, des stratégies de communications efficaces ainsi que des programmes et services de soutien.
Chair yoga allows you to stay seated while doing light stretching, breathing techniques and meditation, helping you achieve patience, calm and self-control.
The Older Adults Staying in Shape (OASIS) is a holistic health program that meets the social, physical, emotional, mental health and cognitive needs of older adults living in West Nipissing. […]
The women’s hand-drumming circle focuses on gaining a voice and a sense of holistic healing. Participants in the group connect with their emotional and spiritual well-being through shared songs and […]
An educational session with different nutrition topics is offered once a month.